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2024 Training Schedule

(add training schedule here)


Regular attendance at training is fundamental in developing team unity and commitment. However, CGFC recognises that on occasion players will have problems attending training due to other commitments. If a player cannot attend due to illness, injury, or a school commitment, they must advise the Coach or Team Manager in advance.


Issues around players who regularly do not attend training and do not notify the coach or team manager will be escalated to age group coordinator for resolution.


It is a safety requirement for all players to wear suitable sports attire for training.

  • Football boots (or runners depending on surface), and

  • Shin guards

are compulsory for all training sessions and games.


It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to drop off and pick up their player at the appropriate time. CGFC has child safe practices in place, which means if your child is waiting, two club representatives must wait with them. Those two club representatives also have families and chores to do when they get home, after coaching a whole team of children.


While we encourage the participation of parents, the training field is not the best time to interact with players and coaches. If you would like to assist with training, please speak to the individual coach to work out an option that suits both. Please be respectful of the coach’s boundaries. Different teams and coaches have different needs and your team’s coach will be aware of these.


Volunteer assistants must wear suitable sports footwear and attire.


The Club is not responsible for the security of players’ belongings.


Children are not to be left unattended prior to a coach’s arrival and the session start time.


If you have questions, please speak to the team manager or wait until after the session is finished to speak with the coach. We minimise distractions in this way to ensure a higher quality training session.


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